Maleda Foam

Maleda Foam

Maleda foam and plastic manufacturing emphasize quality production and timely delivery to assure the comfort of its product. Therefore we always focus on the quality raw material used for foam production, top technology-based machinery used for foam production, safe and quality-oriented workforce.

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Browse products

Browse products

High Grade Foam

Maleda Doctor


Maleda super mattress

Maleda Supper


Extra Bonded Mattress

Maleda Bonded


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ማለዳ ፎም ከ አርቲስት እና ሞዴል ሩታ መንግስተአብ ጋር የብራንድ አምባሳደርነት ስምምነት ፈፀመ።

ማለዳ ፎም ከ አርቲስት እና ሞዴል ሩታ መንግስተአብ ጋር የብራንድ አምባሳደርነት ስምምነት መፈፀሙን ሲገልፅ ታላቅ [...]

ማለዳ ፎም አዲስ ስምምነት ተፈራረመ!

ማለዳ ፎም የሃገራችንን የፎም ኢንደስትሪ በተቀላቀለ በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ከመሪዎቹ ተርታ መሰለፍ የቻለ ሰፊ የገበያ [...]

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የሚገባዎ ምቾት ማለዳ ፎም

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